What can we learn from Holland and Barrett’s rebrand?
Holland and Barrett have rebranded - dropping serif for sans serif (shock horror). But there’s more to the modern, cleverly negative-spaced logo than first meets the eye.
Grow Your Brand By Playing To Your Strengths
If you spend your time doing work other people can do, you’ll spend less time on the work only you can do.
You need a bigger bullseye
If you’re about to dump some money into a logo process, you want to make sure that you get it right. Because without a strategy in place, the logo design process is like throwing a dart at the bullseye. Blindfolded.
Making the wrong logo
What is the purpose of a logo? Should it explain core values and principles? Is it a random shape which is memorable? Or something else?
Is this the best logo ever?
I was recently asked the question "what's your favourite logo of all time?" For me, this is similar to being asked to choose a favourite song or a meal - how do you pick?
The Big Win with Sustainable Branding
Your brand is as much what you say you are (logo, website, copywriting) as it is what you do (customer experience, office atmosphere, email tone of voice).
Lego Serious Play is a joke, right?
"This is all a joke right? No one takes this seriously." This is genuine feedback I had from a friend when I explained Lego® Serious ®Play to them.